Dee Love Paragraphs My Love Lyrics

Happy Sunday Messages To My Love

happy sunday messages

Happy Sunday Quotes

21. You are greater than the way you think. You are more knowledgeable than how you see yourself. If only you can look beyond your difficulties if only you can see more of yourself in the moment of travails. If only you can believe in yourself and work harder the more. Then the future is yours for the taking.

22. The power that is in you is more immense than what you think. The only thing you can do right now is to raise your standards. You do not get what you want, you get what you have to have. What you need right now is to continue to discipline yourself. You can achieve way more than you think you can. Make your decision to be better. Happy Sunday

23. Make the decision to do more today. Make the decision to be more today. You should believe in your success even before you have started. You should be able to tolerate everyone and everything around you. Then you can look into the future with the utmost belief and confidence.

24. What are your goals? If you do not have it now, then you should begin to start charting your goals. You should begin to see your destiny the way you want it to be. It will never be easy, because if it was easy, everyone would be happy, fulfilled and contented.

25. He has provided for you according to his riches in glory. He has created a path for you and all you need to do is have faith and be steadfast and committed. Stand for what you stand for and remember that God has got your back. It is your time to rise again! Happy Sunday

26. The grace of God in your life gives you the avenue to grow in strength, physically and spiritually. You are special, the moment you realize that the better for you. The path to success in your life is through commitment. You need to be committed to what you stand for and you will be the best at what you do. God’s got you. Your time is NOW!

27. The new week has begun and now is your time to run. You need a very clear vision to see what your goals are. The key thing is after you have seen the vision to chart the goal then you should know the direction where your goal will take you to. Then you can have a clear path to your destiny in life. Have a happy Sunday.

28. You need to think big and have big goals. You can never achieve big things by accident. When you have big goals, then you can achieve big things. Do not limit yourself to what you think you can do. Create the belief that you can do more and have complete faith and trust in God. Happy Sunday to you!

29. The beautiful light of your will shine so bright and overwhelm all of us in our prime. No one can stop your start from shining and when it is time for your star to shine. It will shine brighter than the sun on a Sun’Day. Happy Sunday to you. Rise and shine.

30. The biggest discouragement in your life is YOU. When you say you cannot do it, then you really cannot. However, when you believe in the opportunities that await you. When you see the greatness in you that can achieve more than you think you are, then you will keep working and the energy in you will help you not to quit. Go out there and be the best at what you can be. You are the best in everything. Happy Sunday!

31. Do not allow any distraction to distract you. Failure is never an option for you. You were never created to fail. Failure does not exist in your dictionary. Ask yourself, can you do this? If you get the positive answer that YES, YOU are the ONE, then YES you can do it! Begin your Sunday with the grace of God. God will support you in everything you do. Happy Sunday!

32. People will say you are too obsessed, and obsession is bad, but I tell you when you are obsessed, it put your passion on another pedestal. It shows that you can do more than you can ever think of, Happy Sunday to you.

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  • Reply
    Maryanne Theodore
    May 21, 2017 at 5:27 pm

    Haply Sunday DeeDee, hope you’d a blissful day. Have a beautiful week

    • Reply
      May 21, 2017 at 10:07 pm

      Yes I had a beautiful day Maryanne. Have an amazing week!

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