Dee Love Paragraphs

Happy New Week SMS & New Week Wishes

happy new week sms

You want to wish friends, family and colleagues a happy new week. Why not start that with a happy new week SMS. While you may have tried the happy new week messages that seem a bit long for your use, you can also try out these short forms of SMS to send to wish your family, friends and colleagues a happy new week. Why not send your good week wishes, have a great week ahead quotes, positive quotes to start the week, happy new week quotes, happy new week inspirational quotes, new week prayer, new week message prayer, happy new week messages in an SMS format.

Depending on your intentions on the happy new week SMS, you need to put whatever you have in mind in perspective when you are sending the happy new week SMS. Do you want to pray for your recipient or you intend to motivate or maybe send out a funny happy new week SMS, be sure then to incorporate that in the short message you are sending.

Check out some of our amazing messages here:

Good morning love messages 
Good night messages to your love
Daily inspirational love quotes for your lover 
When a man loves a woman quotes
I love you so much messages for boyfriend or girlfriend
I am sorry messages to boyfriend
Love message for lone distance relationship
Romantic love messages to wife

20+ Happy new week SMS of prayer

1 You will begin to every unlimited reason to be celebrated because it is your week to shine. You should begin to envisage a future so bright because you have sown a beautiful seed today. Have a beautiful new week.

2 I welcome you into a beautiful and amazing new week. Be sure to touch lives today and impact positively. Have a wonderful week ahead. God be with you in all your ways.

3 The lord will make you dance the David dance this new week. You will prosper in everything you lay your hands on. As God has promised, you will be the head and not the tail. The enemy will never have dominion over you. I wish you a special week filled with God’s amazing grace. Go and shine.

New Week Sms for Him or Her

1. Hello friend, I am pleased to celebrate the fact that you made it to this beautiful week, strong and healthy.

2. Wishing you the best of luck on a wonderful weekend, may the Lord continue to protect you all the time.

3. Happy weekends, wishing you every single moment with love and prosperity, may the Lord bless your hustles.

4. I cannot forget anything about you because your impacts are the unforgettable ones that a grateful soul shouldn’t forget.

5. I am willing to thank you for everything that concerns you. May the Lord bless your hustle with great love and happiness.

6. Thank God is another weekend, I am sure there will be enough joy and happiness around the corner because you will be coming.

7. The truth is that your love is getting deeper into my heart, your love is one of the best ever. Happy weekend.

8. May the blessed fragrance of a new day shower your hustle with lucky and good fortune; happy weekend.

9. Wishing you all the best on a wonderful weekend. I am waiting for your hugs and beautiful kisses. Happy weekend.

10. May your good plans be fulfilled this month, the Lord in His infinite mercy shall provide your needs.

11. Good evening and have a wonderful week ahead. I wish you all the best. I am proud of you and hope to meet you soon.

12. Dear flower, the truth is that I miss you, I miss your smile and that precious face that gives me endless joy.

13. Good morning to the most beloved angel of my life; the Lord shall protect you against all evil and everything you need shall be possible.

14. Thank God for being a wonderful lover, your good words, your remarkable advice has changed my life.

15. I have no reason to forget you because you are the only angel that gives me happiness and I love you tirelessly.

16. The way you speak makes me happy, sometimes, I feel like the world favours me alone, because there is no man like you.

17. You are man happiness, a man joy, a man that is concerned about the wellbeing of others. Happy new week.

18. The fact that we made it to a new week is enough to thank the Lord. A happy new week to my blessed wife.

19. May your success continue to draw close to you inch by inch until it completely embraces you. I just want to cheer you up this week.

20. I am so much proud of you and hope you will enjoy this wonderful day ahead. Happy new month, may you find the kind of love you deserve.

The New Week Trends for the Day

21. When two friends finally met on a special day, it becomes clear that love really exists between them. Happy new week.

22. May the most merciful God bless and protect your hustles, you will find endless peace in your home.

23. I can’t wait to see your face, I can’t wait to touch your smooth skin. I am so much eager to see the star of my life.

24. Thanks for being there all the time. I am very proud of you, thinking about you all the time. Happy new week.

25. May the week bring love and success into your life; the Lord in His infinite mercy shall continue to bless your hustles.

26. As we sign into another week, I hope you find your heart desires fulfilled. I am expecting you soon.

27. Good morning sweetheart, I am pleased to congratulate you for making it to this new week. Happy new week dear.

28. I want to be proud of you all the time and it seems you have understood me better than I thought. Happy new week.

29. My confession is that I really miss you. I want to spend the rest of my life loving a princess like you.

30. You took away my sorrow and replaced it with happiness, there is no doubt you were sent to me from above.

31. Your space in my heart is so wide that the size of an ocean cannot contain the kind of love I have for you.

32. Good morning my blessing, you gave me a reason to smile even in the middle of the night. Happy new week.

33. Blessed is your hand because the day you came into my world, everything began to be fine and lovely. I wish you all the best.

34. I have been so happy since the beginning of this week all because there is a big chance that I will hug you soon.

35. I wish to inform you that I really miss you. I pray you find the comfort you deserve.

36. I will be glad you come around because your face is a great comfort to me. I love everything about you.

37. I will never let you down; I will never give up on you for you are the star that shines in my life. Good to have you in my life.

38. Wishing you the best of luck this week. Every hustle undone shall be done successfully. Good morning dear.

39. May the Lord that spared our lives up till this moment bless every single moment of our life. Happy weekend dear.

40. You are my happiness, the one I will always be with because you decided to marry me. Good evening.

The New Week Trends Best for the Week

41. May the flow of joy gushing out of a new day reach you; may your fortune continue to increase beyond your expectations.

42. Success connotes fortune, may you find it easy to meet your fortune tonight. Happy weekend to everyone.

43. I wish to be yours too, just like you are always ready to be mine. Thanks for a precious day ahead.

44. I am sending you this wonderful message and hope you will find that peace of mind you desire.

45. All I want to say is good morning and happy a wonderful week full of love and happiness.

46. May the Lord bless your heart with peace, you shall find that blessing that flows like the ocean.

47. I have a great wave in my heart for you alone. It is called the wave of love and I am ready to show it to you.

48. Happy new week dear, may the Lord continue to bless you with great lofty heights. You really deserve a lot in this world.

49. May the most merciful bless your hustle with great success and your family shall benefit from your wealth.

50. At last, I found the one that is most compatible with me, good to have found a lovely person like you. I wish you the best.

51. Thanks for the pain I have ever cause you, I am sorry for being too late for the last few days. I love my wife so much because she is the best for me.

Cute Happy New Week Sms for Friends

51. New week, new success, a new story for the best of friends, I want to celebrate all my friends today, so I am wishing you a happy new week.

Read: Happy Sunday SMS To Boss, Friends And Family

52. It is my pleasure to wish every one of you an awesome week ahead. I beseech the Lord to protect you all through the week.

53. We have the best week today, may the Lord protect you against all bad things that may occur this year.

54. Wishing you the best of luck, may your success continue to rise above the people’s expectation; may this week serve you better than you think.

Happy Monday SMS To Start Your Week

55. I wish you the best of luck, may your week be blessed with love and passion that you deserve the most. Happy new week.

56. Don’t allow the stress of last week to determine how you handle today, I wish you all the best this week. I am proud of you.

57. Hey guys, this is another with, let’s enjoy it together in a special way of life, let’s innovate good things into the week vibes.

58. Last week was not that easy but it doesn’t mean this week will be harsh too. Optimism is what we actually need to enjoy the day.

59. The pain of yesterday can be transformed into the gain of today. Have a wonderful new week ahead. I wish you the best of luck.

60. You have been so nice to me, so I pray this week will be nice to you too. I wish you a lot of success in life. A happy new week to my dear friend.

61. I realized how valuable your friendship is with me, so I need to congratulate you on making it to this week.

62. I am showering you the best in this week, may the Lord protect you all through the week. I am so much proud of you.

63. I want to thank you for everything, your time, your effort and the attention you give me when we were together.

64. I am wishing you the best of lucks on this very day, may the Lord bless your hustles and protect your business.

65. After several efforts last week, we still have to start another week, I pray this week marks the beginning of success in our life.

66. I am so glad because we are all happy, I am wishing myself the best this week. Thanks for last week, I really appreciate your help.

67. I want to say I love you for whom you are, may the Lord continue to protect you beyond your effort. I wish you success this week and beyond.

68. When you have a reason to smile, it means you are ready to enjoy the week ahead. I beseech the Lord to grant you a successful week ahead.

69. What a nice sister, so beloved and caring, I am so happy to wish you the best on this special day. I miss you so much.

70. You have been so close to my heart that I can even hear the sound of your footsteps in it. I am proud of you this week.

71. Last week was not that easy on you and I really felt for you. I am sure if you strive harder, this week will become your salt and light.

72. I am so happy for you and that’s why I am so concern about you. I pray we continue to make it to the entire weeks.

73. I am so happy because you are the best of all the entire people I have ever met in my life. I am so proud of you, thinking of every moment we shared last week.

74. It has not been that long we met each other but the truth is that we are now so close to each other better than the tree and its root.

75. You are my root and I am your tree, five and six no separation. There is no tree without its root, so we are meant to live together for the rest of our lives.

76. The most precious person in this life is that person who always wear that smiling face all because he wants you to smile. I am saying, happy new week.

77. This is another week, promising and bright, I pray your success finds its source from this day on, I wish you all the best.

78. May the blessing of this wonderful day reach you wherever you are, may the sunshine showers its blessing upon you by the grace of God.

79. When I realized how much you have changed my life, I decided to make you the most important person in my life. I wish you all the best.

80. Thanks for everything you have done in my life, you have been so precious to you and pray you find the endless peace you need in life.

81. May the love of God circulate your home, and pray you find peace and harmony that will continue to blow flame of love from now on.

82. A new week with a new dawn, we shall all benefit from the wonders of a treasure day ahead. Success shall be ours forever.

83. You have been so close to my heart and now I am missing you like never before, may the Lord bless you for the rest of your life.

84. I want to cheer you up today and pray you find endless peace in your heart. I am so proud of you all the time.

85. I am glad you have been here since these days to keep me strong with your beautiful words. I wish you all the best.

86. May the Lord bless you with every aspect of life, you are the most beloved friend I have so may this week reach you in good condition.

87. A happy new week to those that are ready to enjoy the bliss of a new day flying in different colors. I wish you all a prosperous day ahead.

88. I just want to be part of your joy this week, so I am proud of sending you this wonderful week’s message. May the Lord bless your hustles.

89. I am so proud of you, thinking of you in every aspect of life that joins us together. I pray you find peace where you least expected. Happy new week ahead.

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